Monday, March 10, 2008

"Little Red Cap"

Title: Little Red Cap
Author: The Brothers Grimm
Illustrator: Lizbeth Zwerger
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group, 1987
Genre: Traditional Literature Picture Book
Grade: 2-4

Grandmother made Little Red Cap a red, silk wrap that Little Red Cap wore all the time. One day grandmother was sick and Little Red Cap's mother asked her to take a cake and a bottle of wine to grandmother. On her way, Little Red Cap met the wolf and the wolf asks a lot of questions regarding the grandmother and where she lived. Little Red Cap's mother had warned her not to wonder off the path but she did anyways. While Little Red Cap was picking flowers the wolf went on to grandmother's house and gobbled her up and put her clothes on and laid down in her bed. When Little Red Cap comes in the wolf gobbles her up too. The hunter is near by and hears the wolf snoring. When he gets into grandmother's house and sees the wolf, he takes scissors and cuts the wolf so Little Red Cap and Grandmother can come out. After the wolf dies, Little Red Cap, Grandmother, and the hunter celebrate with the cake and wine.

I love Little Red Riding Hood. This is the story that I am more used to hearing. It's the more traditional version, or at least I think so! The pictures in this book look like they have been done first with pencil and then filled in with watercolor paint. The wolf looks so real to life with his fur and his paws. The wolf even looks sneaky with his facial expressions.

I would use this book in my classroom to compare it with her versions of Little Red Riding Hood. It would be great to use in the folk tales' unit.

1 comment:

Dr. Frye said...

Yes. You are right, this is the Brothers Grimm version, and it is more "grim." You may want to revise your summary to include that the hunter actually "cut open" the wolf. Also, when thinking about teaching ideas, what about the "creative venn diagram." I cannot wait to see yours!